Asia UK Trade Partners connects UK businesses with high quality partners in Thailand and Vietnam . Our local , experienced staff research the market to find the best companies to help you achieve your goals .
- Understand your needs
- Research the market
- Find the best local partners
- Help negotiate a contract
- Ensure quality
- Oversee delivery
- Facilitate future needs
Why use Asia UK Trade Partners ?
- 20+ years trading with Asia
- Local staff
- Deep business knowledge
- Reliable and trustworthy partner who will put your needs first .
Philip Finnamore

BSc Civil Engineering
Business matching and project management for UK firms looking to find suppliers or
distributors in Vietnam and Thailand .
Based in Chichester .
Ms Nga

BSc International Business
Ms Nga will research the market and find the best partner to help you achieve your business goals . She will oversee all aspects to ensure your goals are met .
Based in Saigon
Ms Janatawong
MSc Energy Environment & Materials
With her extensive network of contacts
both within Thailand and in SE Asia Ms
Jantawong can find the best partners and
ensure successful implementation.
Based in Bangkok .
UK company registration number : 0433 8109