Rising costs , political and economic uncertainty , covid lockdown , human rights , more robust supply chain …… for a variety of reasons many companies are looking to find reliable , high quality suppliers outside China .
With experienced , dedicated local staff we can find the best companies to help you achieve your goals .
With all the uncertainties surrounding China , it can be prudent to diversify and strengthen your supply chain . High quality , low cost ; we can help you find the best local partners .
- Want to increase sales ?
- Looking for new markets ?
- More resilient business portfolio ?
- Large , sophisticated , affluent demographics looking for high quality products and services .
With local knowledge and staff we can find the right partners to help you sell your products and services in Vietnam and Thailand .
- Understand your products
- Understand your objectives
- Research the market
- Find best local partners
- Facilitate contract
- Implementation and oversight
- Future sales development
To find out how we can help you grow your business, please contact :
UK company registration number : 0433 8109